If you think you're going insane
That's normal
If all you do is cry
That's normal
If you have trouble with most minor decisions
That's normal
If you have feelings of rage , denial and depression
That's normal
If your friends dwindle away and you feel like ypou have the plague
That's normal
If your blood boils and hairs on your arm curl when someone tells you it is god's will
That's normal
If you can't talk about it but you can smash dishes or kick the rubbish down the street
That's normal
If you can share your story, your feelings with an understanding listener another bereaved person
That's beginning
If you get a glimmer of your loved one's life , rather than their death
That's wonderful
If you can remember your loved one's smile
That's healing
If you find your mirrors have become windows and you are able to reach out to other people
Thats growing
Allister i am not there yet
Love you
MUM xxxx
30th January 2022
We hope that you find this tribute to Allister a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 30/01/2022
Everyone grieves in a way that is unique to them. If you need to speak to a bereavement expert please visit the GriefChat section at www.muchloved.com which is a completely free service where you can remain anonymous if you prefer.
Sent by MuchLoved on 30/01/2022